P06da Actuation valve of the oil pump

Fault code P06da Actuation of the valve of the oil pump in the combustion engine has an electrical fault or open circuit is related to the problem with actuation valve of the oil pump which is located at the body of oil pump. It is use to supply oil to all the moving portion of the engine till camshaft in the combustion engine. So that moving parts in the engine can sustain their function properly. This kind of fault code could be store in control module due to two main reasons. One is low oil pressure in the combustion engine and the other one is failure of valve. Most of the time in this situation it is found that broken wire of the valve is the common reason behind this fault code.

After functioning for long time in the combustion engine the connector of the valve get too hard. Because of which its connector get broke and stop sending signal to engine control module. When engine control module did not receive any signal from the valve it set fault code P06da Actuation of the valve of the oil pump in the combustion engine has an electrical fault or open circuit store in control module.

Causes of P06da Actuation valve of the oil pump:

  • Damage wiring harness of the valve.
  • Failure of the actuation valve.
  • Low pressure of oil in the combustion engine.
  • Low level of oil in the combustion chamber.
  • Block line of oil pump from where engine oil move toward moving parts.
  • Fault oil pump which is not making enough pressure of oil.
  • Damage internal parts of the engine.

Symptoms of P06da Actuation valve of the oil pump:

  • Check engine light will start illuminating on cluster meter.
  • Fault code will store in control module.
  • It could be possible that engine performance can be down.

How to trouble shoot:

When found fault code P06da Actuation of the valve of the oil pump in the combustion engine has an electrical fault or open circuit store in control module. Stop driving and start diagnosing the reason behind this from checking the level of oil in the combustion engine.

Check oil level in the engine with the help of dip stick present at the engine. If oil level is not till min or max level. Than fill the oil in the combustion engine till min or max level marked on dip stick. As it could be possible that the low level of oil may be the reason behind this fault code. If the oil level now is at require level start the engine than check the fault code. If fault code still present in the system and cannot be deleted. Than it means that there is some other problem in the combustion engine.

The second thing you need to check in this situation is oil pump. Which could be found in the engine or out of the engine. If it is present in the engine than it is drive by camshaft and if it is outside engine it is drive by crank shaft. To access oil pump if it is inside engine than you need to open the oil chamber. Which is present in the engine lower side. Remove that chamber than you can access the oil pump.

Check the oil pump if the line of oil pump is block with the dust particle or the low quality of oil. Than clean the line of the oil pump, because block line of oil pump will not allow the oil to reach the moving parts of engine in pressure. When line is clear but still the problem remain same than it could be possible that oil pump is week and not making enough pressure. In this situation you need to replace the oil pump to make the enough pressure in the combustion engine.

Other thing you need to check in this problem is actuation valve of the oil. Which is connected with oil pump. It create pressure in the oil circulation to reach the oil till the all moving parts of engine especially at camshaft portion. If this valve will stop working due to any reason this fault code will store in control module. Most of the time this fault code store in control module due to broken wire of the valve. Before replacing valve check the connector of the valve if found broken wire or damage connector then replace the connector or sensor. So that problem can be solve and it is the most common thing in this problem.

How risky it is to drive with this fault code:

Driving with this fault code store in control module can be cause more damage to engine. As this fault code indicate problem at the low pressure of oil in the combustion engine. If this problem will not solve as soon as possible than it could cause engine seize problem. Because if oil will reach to all the moving parts of the combustion engine. It can cause the frictional damage to those moving parts which will damage the entire engine.

Common mistake while solving this problem:

Sometime when people found this fault code store in control module. They directly remove the actuation valve and replace that with new one. Sometime doing this fix the problem but not always. As this is not the proper way of solving this kind of problem. Because it can be cause due to multiple reasons like low level of oil, failure of oil pump, faulty actuation valve. Check each thing as mention in above articles so that actual problem can be found.

Persuasion need to be care while solving P06da Actuation valve of the oil pump:

If fault code store in control module due to low oil level in the combustion engine. Than fill the oil in combustion engine till the between min and max level marked on dip stick. While filling oil in the combustion engine vehicle should be park on the level surface.

If problem is due to the failure of the oil pump which is use to make pressure of oil in the combustion engine? Than you need to remove the oil pump from the engine. To remove oil pump you need to drain oil before removing oil chamber. After removing oil chamber check the oil pump, if oil pump can be remove without opening the upper portion of the engine. Then remove the oil pump safely without braking its line. Before installing new oil pump fill the new oil pump with the oil. So that when engine start for the first time. Its internal parts did not damage.

When this problem occurs due to the problem of actuation valve of oil. Which is located inside the combustion engine at the oil pump. You need to be very careful while removing actuation valve. At the time of removing valve you will have to apply more power to remove it outside. So be care full while removing it so that other thing could not damage.

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